Canon is a leader in digital imaging solutions. While they are best known for their cameras, Canon's innovation has also led to the creation of focus lens systems and printing technologies.
What they donate
Donation depends on request, monetary support
Who they donate to
ipsum enim proident tempor magna do
eiusmod minim laborum
magna minim consectetur cupidatat et cillum ex eu ullamco eiusmod est dolore Lorem qui duis dolor eiusmod cupidatat quis voluptate est sit deserunt nulla fugiat laboris voluptate nulla Lorem deserunt adipisicing anim aute velit qui in sint dolor laborum dolore consectetur sunt ut incididunt magna nisi nisi tempor velit
No longer donating
Updated 4 months ago
·1 reviews
Kettering Mayor's Party for a Purpose.
March 2023·Declined
Almost automatic response that they admire our mission but could not donate. I appreciated a response, even if it was a 'no', it's helpful for us to know. We hit all the causes they support so I assume they are just overwhelmed. I appreciated the opportunity.