Image for L.L.Bean


    4 applies last week
    Donating in irure aute dolore
    L.L.Bean is committed to providing products that encourage enjoyment of nature. They sell clothing, outerwear, footwear, equipment, and travel bags for those looking to explore the great outdoors.

    What they donate

    Outdoor products, gift card(s), monetary donations

    Who they donate to

    ad enim nostrud et non ut occaecat ea et magna deserunt velit occaecat voluptate amet exercitation sint laborum
    Lorem tempor ex
    aliquip commodo occaecat do et fugiat velit duis incididunt esse ipsum nostrud proident labore id aute consectetur excepteur mollit ut laborum culpa sit et pariatur ad dolor voluptate dolor sunt quis in mollit qui officia reprehenderit occaecat pariatur ea nisi velit ex cillum ex excepteur id mollit incididunt ut mollit et sunt fugiat enim proident nulla quis minim tempor ex commodo aliquip
    approval rate
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    ·1 reviews

    Conejo Free Clinic
    July 2023·Declined
    Heard back within 1 week with a polite response and explanation. Focus is on organizations supporting conservation and the outdoors.
    5 of 5 free pages viewed this month
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