Tips & TricksDec 07, 2022
    Image for What’s new at TheShareWay: December 2022

    What’s new at TheShareWay: December 2022

    We have so much to share: one click product filters, new “hide saved donor” filter, donor counts by application status, and more!

    We’re excited to share these updates with you just in time to power your winter and spring fundraising seasons in 2023.

    One click product filters


    Getting the product you need is key to the success of your event. We took this to heart and made it easier for you to quickly toggle across products as you search for donors. Every product type is just one click away.

    New filter: hide donors you’ve saved


    You can now filter out donors you’ve already saved from the directory!

    Donor List is now Apply Mode


    We learned that you prefer the Apply Mode toggle over the Donor List design. Now, access your Donor List via the Apply Mode toggle on your navigation.

    See how many donors you have by status


    We added a count of how many donors you have under each status to help you keep track! It’s so helpful that we seriously can’t believe we didn’t have it before.

    Quick Actions in Apply Mode


    We added quick actions so that marking a donor as applied is just one click away instead of two!

    Improved navigation on mobile


    We added a bottom navigation on mobile so that you can switch across events, filters, and Discover/Apply modes at any time.

    If you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out to!

    Access thousands of donation request applications
    Join TheShareWay to quickly discover companies that donate, entirely for free.