Image for Alaska Airlines

Alaska Airlines

1 apply last week
Donating in anim enim aliquip
Alaska Airlines takes you to the sky to travel to destinations nationwide. They provide four ways to fly (first class, premium class, main cabin, and saver fare) so that everyone can travel to their next destination in whatever style they choose.

What they donate

Donation depends on request

Who they donate to

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to view approval rates and average donation values

·3 reviews

The Foundation
January 2023·Declined
They have an online portal where you can actually track the progress and see what stage the request is in which is cool! However, although my organization fit many of the boxes, I received an automated decline notice stating they only donate to orgs that belong to "(missions that align with my NPO)"
January 2022·Declined
They do not donate items for silent or online auctions
Hi-Liners Musical Theatre
February 2023·Approved
Alaska was great and easy to work with! They were quick to respond and very informative! Information was easy to input and was very seamless.