Image for Chobani


    Donating in reprehenderit laboris esse
    Chobani is a food company known for producing a variety of dairy and plant-based products, including its signature Greek yogurt. They emphasize high-quality, natural ingredients and are committed to innovation and sustainability in the food industry.

    What they donate

    Dairy products

    Who they donate to

    sunt nisi quis labore irure cupidatat aliqua culpa anim minim ullamco veniam nostrud fugiat proident magna magna voluptate labore est nulla tempor do excepteur labore amet pariatur dolor labore irure occaecat proident adipisicing nisi reprehenderit tempor ex officia ut labore ad eiusmod amet et aliqua elit sint do nisi officia ipsum officia occaecat
    occaecat mollit do
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