Image for Olive Garden

    Olive Garden

    2 applies last week
    Donating in duis excepteur eiusmod
    Olive Garden is a popular American casual dining restaurant chain known for its Italian-American cuisine and warm, family-friendly atmosphere. Some of its offerings include pasta, soup, and salad dishes.

    What they donate

    Gift certificates or food

    Who they donate to

    Olive Garden hasn't listed any preferences or eligibility criteria.
    approval rate
    no response
    donation value
    $xx - $xx$xx - $xx$xx - $xx$xx - $xx
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    ·2 reviews

    Conejo Free Clinic
    August 2023·Approved
    Went to the closest location, and the manager gave me a $50 gift card on the spot.
    Garland Senior Activity Center
    May 2023·Approved
    The manger said he was on a tight budget, but gave me a $30 gift card.
    5 of 5 free pages viewed this month
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