Image for Sprinkles


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Sprinkles offers freshly-baked cupcakes, cookies, and brownies. With cupcakes topped with Sprinkles' trademark modern dots, chocolate sprinkles from France, or seasonal decorations, these treats are a sophisticated update on an American classic.

What they donate

Dessert products, gift card(s)

Who they donate to

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to view approval rates and average donation values

·3 reviews

Oak Knoll Montessori School
March 2024·Declined
Their donation department responded to let us know they were inundated with requests, but that we should try again in the future. Very thoughtful email!
Pilgrim Lutheran School
March 2024·Declined
There was a fast response within a week. However one of the reasons they declined was timeframe of request to event. They said do in 30-60 before which I did, so that didn't make sense.
Frankie Valente Scholarship Fund
July 2022·Approved
Sent Electronic Gift Cert for 2 Dozen cupcakes Very Generous donation to the EMT and Paramedic Scholarship Fund.