Detroit, MI
Mcgregor Fund
The McGregor Fund is dedicated to relieving misfortune and promoting the well-being of humankind, focusing primarily on the metropolitan Detroit area. It aims to embody the values of its founders, Tracy and Katherine McGregor, by strengthening essential resources and opportunities for community members, especially those facing persistent poverty.
Based on IRS 2021 990PF Filing
Number of grants
Median grant size
Total giving
Average grant size
333 West Fort Street 2090, Detroit, MI 482263134
Grant Application
With the onset of the COVID19 pandemic, applications were made more flexible to lower the burden on service providers. During this period, application information was submitted via email and Fund staff transferred to grants management system. The application includes a narrative letter stating briefly and clearly specific purpose of the request, signed by a responsible officer of the organization requesting funds, and to the fullest extent possible, complying with the following requirements: a. State the specific amount requested and complete explanation of the necessity therefore. b. State whether aid is presently being sought from other foundations and sources or whether such solutions are contemplated and if so, name them. This is for information purposes only and not to be construed to mean we discourage aid from other sources; rather we prefer to participate with other donors. c. All applications must be executed by persons so authorized on behalf of the tax-exempt organization.
Applications are received and accepted throughout the year.
In an effort to utilize its limited resources wisely and because it receives more requests that it can support, McGregor Fund adheres to the following guidelines for its grantmaking activities: The geographic area of the Fund is limited principally the Detroit metropolitan area, which is defined as Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties. Funding is limited to the areas of interest of the Fund which can be found on our website, All grant decisions are the responsibility of the Board of Trustees. Trustee meetings are scheduled four times per year, in March, June, September, and December. Grant requests may be submitted at any time, but requests may take up to three months for staff review. Therefore, applicants are encouraged to submit proposals well in advance of the Trustee meeting where their proposal is to be considered. The Fund does not: provide loan funds, make direct grants to students for scholarships, make grants for travel, conferences, seminars or workshops
Submission contact
Contact name: McGregor Fund
Address: 333 West Fort Street Suite 2090, Detroit, MI 48226
Financial Trends
Past Grantees

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