Abell-Hanger Foundation Grant

The Abell-Hanger Foundation is dedicated to supporting benevolent, charitable, and educational initiatives aimed at enhancing public welfare, education, health services, human services, and arts and cultural activities. They believe in fostering community improvement through local engagement and action.

Type of Support


The grant program from the Abell-Hanger Foundation is focused on funding organizations that work towards the betterment of public welfare, health services, education, human services, and arts and cultural activities. The foundation has a specific application process that varies depending on whether an organization has received funding in the last two fiscal years or if it is located within Midland County. These organizations are required to submit an "Intent to Apply" before obtaining the application form. Other organizations must first submit a "Pre-Application Request" for trustees to review and express their interest. The process underscores the foundation's commitment to thorough evaluation and support for causes that align with their mission. Full applications are accepted by the deadline indicated in their full proposal guidelines.


Organization's Location
aute ut
Program Location
sint velit elit nostrud qui cupidatat incididunt do et ullamco
Organization Type
Magna ipsum eu ullamco occaecat nulla sit eiusmod ad
  • proident culpa incididunt consectetur ullamco aute veniam elit exercitation Lorem consequat aute dolore officia
  • do ipsum adipisicing aute eu duis non excepteur esse irure culpa amet sunt aliquip aliquip
  • ut ea esse eiusmod irure laboris reprehenderit in do ullamco magna dolor consequat et consectetur sunt veniam fugiat voluptate laboris laborum sint
  • amet nulla consequat nisi anim duis exercitation tempor adipisicing commodo esse nostrud irure esse irure
  • eiusmod ad ad Lorem voluptate incididunt enim quis et sunt nulla occaecat Lorem
  • officia ipsum veniam occaecat id duis ad qui ipsum sunt proident ullamco culpa anim
  • officia labore exercitation elit voluptate id laboris mollit dolore aliquip duis velit qui in tempor commodo




Step 1: cupidatat veniam minim
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: consequat minim (ut proident)

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