Integrative Medicine Grant

The Foundation supports organizations that promote the western values of self-reliance, personal responsibility and integrity. The Foundation places a high priority on programs that help youth to prosper, encourage economic opportunities for adults and advance public policies that reflect our nation’s founding principles. They also prioritize entrepreneurship, integrative medicine, and mentoring for youth.

Type of Support


The Foundation sees integrative medicine as an integrative and holistic approach to wellness. It is a partnership of traditional medicine and practices with complementary therapies. 

The Foundation considers IM projects that:

  • Have “buy-in” from the medical leadership of institutions receiving grants
  • Restrict grants to evidence-based research
  • Have the ability to generate sufficient patients to complete trials in a timely manner
  • Are doing research capable of generating broad public interest and, by extension, attract the participation of other private donors and the National Institute of Health (NIH) 

Preference is given to organizations exhibiting aspects of the following list:

  • Year-round programming
  • Transformational outcomes
  • Total mission alignment, please don’t pull out one small program that might be a fit (exceptions for rural)
  • Direct service organizations
  • Organizations that strongly align with our foundation’s funding priorities
  • Strong leaders, strong financial health
  • Bereavement
  • Pregnancy centers
  • Community centers

Integrative medicine proposals are accepted by invitation only. If you believe your project matches the above listed criteria, you may call the Foundation. 


Organization's Location
ut Lorem
Program Location
cillum minim excepteur pariatur esse velit
Organization Type
Organization Budget And Years
Organization has existed for at least -1 years


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Excepteur pariatur occaecat pariatur excepteur
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Eu qui minim excepteur in
Laborum mollit
Excepteur cillum
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Consectetur anim adipisicing deserunt veniam excepteur
Elit proident
Cupidatat ad
Ea anim ut eu velit
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Voluptate pariatur non velit commodo pariatur tempor nostrud
Ad eiusmod nisi commodo consectetur tempor Lorem cupidatat cillum voluptate elit aliqua id nisi mollit
not specified


Step 1: esse amet
Application deadline
Oct 18, 2024
Step 2: excepteur irure (et aute)
Contact info
(555) 555-5555