AHA Major Grant

From Alabama Humanities Alliance

AHA’s mission is to foster learning, understanding, and appreciation of our people, communities, and cultures. As the state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), AHA is the primary source of grants for public humanities programming in Alabama, initiating major programs and collaborating with other organizations to advance both academic and public humanities.

Type of Support


The AHA grant program aims to fund nonprofit community organizations embarking on public humanities projects. It encourages applicants to craft imaginative proposals that can reach diverse audiences. Supported projects may include lectures, workshops, exhibitions, festivals, digital media, and documentaries, among others. Key elements for a successful proposal include active public participation, robust humanities content, and the involvement of humanities scholars. Major Grants, which represent a significant portion of AHA's grant proposals, require a 1:1 cost share match and project events must commence no less than 60 days after the application deadline.


Organization's Location
nisi nulla
Program Location
Organization Type
up to 10k


Step 1: labore culpa
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: elit ipsum (ex laboris)