The mission of Alaska Children’s Trust (ACT) is to improve the status of children in Alaska by generating funds and committing resources to eliminate child abuse and neglect.
ACT’s Tier 2 Innovation Grants aim to stimulate the development and adoption of groundbreaking approaches and technologies to prevent child abuse and neglect. Projects funded by these grants can receive from $10,000 up to a maximum of $50,000 per year, for up to three years. The grants focus on introducing new ideas or enhancing existing programs with the goal of increasing their reach and impact, driven by data and the changing needs of the community. ACT encourages thinking in new and different ways to prevent child abuse and neglect. The grant program specifically targets three core areas for the prevention of child abuse and neglect: early childhood development, empowering youth, and building community resilience. Each area focuses on key aspects such as social-emotional development in early childhood, developing healthy relationships and sexual education for youth, and preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) while building resilience in communities.
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