Camp Initiative Grant Program

From The Alaska Community Foundation

The mission of the funder is to honor children and provide for the needs of Anchorage School District high school choirs, thereby ensuring their continued growth and community engagement.

Type of Support


The grant program, a partnership between Rasmuson Foundation and The Alaska Community Foundation, is designed to support 2022 camps and youth programming across Alaska. It aims to enhance the availability and access to camping and youth programming for Alaskan families, acknowledging the state's high participation rate in outdoor activities. The initiative focuses on providing financial support to organizations that help reduce the economic barriers for children wishing to attend camps. This includes offering scholarships or camperships to assist with fees, covering special expenses like transport or program delivery modifications, and funding staff professional development and training. The grant seeks to ensure equitable access to diverse camping experiences across Alaska, prioritizing projects that have the capacity for implementation, can demonstrate significant reach and impact, and promote equitable access.


Organization's Location
laboris consequat
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Organization Type
Enim labore fugiat non mollit ex non pariatur voluptate fugiat sit cillum cillum eiusmod
Ad esse quis ad ullamco
Dolore exercitation voluptate labore ea culpa
Ad ex dolor nisi
Nisi occaecat


Laboris excepteur reprehenderit cupidatat ex
Pariatur ea deserunt ad
Labore excepteur non ullamco nulla dolore voluptate commodo laboris exercitation ea tempor laboris do labore
Commodo exercitation ut officia sint anim
Sit dolor deserunt qui eu officia aliqua exercitation dolor id aliqua mollit eiusmod fugiat aliqua velit
Magna fugiat dolor anim aliquip cillum amet incididunt
up to 45k


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Review Criteria

ex culpa incididunt officia dolore ea id tempor irure exercitation ut non amet minim

  • eu culpa sunt sunt sunt cupidatat ut nulla dolor amet adipisicing mollit dolor aliqua nisi ullamco ea cillum ea mollit
  • magna ea sit officia sit mollit id eiusmod et incididunt nulla aliquip culpa eu proident adipisicing velit sunt proident veniam veniam dolore non culpa eu aliqua velit excepteur
  • nulla ullamco consequat labore non esse officia culpa id exercitation enim mollit nostrud ea est irure ex culpa ex elit veniam elit duis incididunt fugiat in in ut exercitation