AK Sea Grant Community Marine Debris Removal RFP

From Alaska Sea Grant

Alaska Sea Grant, established in 1970 as part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Sea Grant College Program, aims to support research, education, and extension activities. These efforts are designed to empower Alaskans in understanding, conserving, and using marine and coastal resources sustainably. The program operates with funding from federal and state appropriations, alongside contributions from local governments, agencies, community organizations, and the industry.

Type of Support


The grant program is focused on supporting community-led efforts to remove marine debris from Alaska's shorelines and coastal waters. It targets a variety of marine debris sources, both land-based and ocean-based, recognizing the impact of such debris on conservation, food safety, food security, and the well-being of Alaskan communities. The overarching goal is to mitigate the adverse effects of marine debris on marine resources, ecosystems, and local economies, emphasizing projects that remove derelict fishing gear, beach litter, and other pollutants. It strongly encourages the involvement of local communities, Tribal governments, and other regional entities in both planning and execution phases, prioritizing proposals that demonstrate tangible benefits to Alaskan marine and coastal species, habitats, economies, or communities. Additionally, projects should include plans for the transport and disposal of collected debris, with a preference for recycling and proper waste management practices. The funding structure allocates up to $200,000 for each project, aiming to support 10 or more projects without requiring match funding from recipients. This grant is made possible through a collaboration between the NOAA Marine Debris Program, Alaska Sea Grant, and other partners, contributing to the objectives outlined in the NOAA Marine Debris Action Plan for Alaska.


Organization's Location
consequat duis
Program Location
Organization Type
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Proident Lorem
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up to 200k


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