ASCA: Workshop Grants

From Alaska State Council on the Arts

ASCA represents, supports and advances the creative endeavors of individuals, organizations and agencies throughout Alaska.

Type of Support


The Workshop Grants offered by the Alaska State Council on the Arts are designed to support unique, arts-related activities of limited duration, providing Alaskans the chance to engage in arts activities not regularly available in their community. The grants cover all visual, performing, traditional, craft, media, and literary arts, as well as arts administration. These workshops must occur between the start of the month following the award date and June 30, coinciding with the end of the State Fiscal Year.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Alaskan nonprofit organizations
Local government agencies
Tribal entities
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor
  • Must propose arts or cultural activities located in Alaska
  • Funded workshops must be open to the public
  • Must be incorporated for at least one year prior to the application deadline
  • Organizations receiving less than $5000 in operating support or project grants eligible for up to two Workshop Grants in a fiscal year
  • Must have a match requirement: cash or in-kind equal to 50% of total workshop costs
  • Organization sponsoring the workshop must provide space, equipment, supplies, support for the artist/instructor, advertising, and a completed final evaluation form
  • Grants can be used to pay fees of the instructors and cover travel expenses of the workshop instructors
  • The majority of the workshop participants must be over 18 years of age


Organizations receiving $5000 or more in operating support or project grants and applying for more than one Workshop Grant in the same fiscal year
Activities that are classroom residencies
Activities that are part of an organization's regularly scheduled season
Ongoing or series of classes
Programs primarily aimed at generating academic credit.
500 – 1.5k


Review Criteria

Preference will be afforded to initial requests within a given financial year.