ASCA: Youth Cultural Heritage Fast Track Grants

From Alaska State Council on the Arts

ASCA represents, supports and advances the creative endeavors of individuals, organizations and agencies throughout Alaska.

Type of Support


Youth Cultural Heritage (YCH) Fast Track Grants, supported by the Alaska State Council on the Arts and the Rasmuson Foundation, focus on youth-based projects and activities that enable children and youth to explore, understand, express, and share their cultural heritage through the arts. Eligible organizations include Alaska 501(c)3, tax-exempt youth-serving organizations, schools, tribal organizations, libraries, and other arts/cultural organizations, or those that can fiscally sponsor eligible community groups. The program welcomes all of Alaska’s ethnic cultures and aims to build networks and capacities, offering grants in the YCH Fast-track, Project, and Alumni categories. Its overarching goals include strengthening cultural knowledge and self-awareness among Alaska's children and youth, supporting creative development opportunities with artists and culture bearers, engaging citizens around cultural heritage, bridging culture and communities, and fostering cross-cultural understanding and empathy.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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Review Criteria

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