Postgraduate Fellowship​​

    From Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society

    Alpha Omega Alpha, founded in 1902, is the national medical honor society. Its mission is dedicated to the belief that in the profession of medicine we will improve care for all by recognizing high educational achievement; honoring gifted teaching; encouraging the development of leaders in academia and the community; supporting the ideals of humanism; and promoting service to others.

    Type of Support


    The Postgraduate Fellowship program by Alpha Omega Alpha awards up to 10 fellowships of $2,000 each to residents and fellows for research or scholarly projects in the spirit of the AΩA mission. The grant aims to support the development of leaders in academia and the community through projects that embody high educational achievement, honor gifted teaching, uphold the ideals of humanism, and promote service to others. The funds are disbursed in two parts, with one-half paid upon the announcement of the fellowship and the other half upon approval of the final report. Schools, departments, and/or programs are encouraged to provide additional or matching funds to support these endeavors further.


    Organization's Location
    elit tempor
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Adipisicing sunt Lorem consectetur
    • culpa ea sit esse magna nisi reprehenderit qui tempor elit amet
    • anim labore aute aliquip deserunt officia officia nisi in sint consequat
    • eu minim esse ut eu esse laborum aute minim
    • sunt dolore in est ut Lorem dolor ad in pariatur eiusmod consequat officia
    • dolore nulla Lorem excepteur proident sit in nulla commodo elit culpa proident mollit


    Eiusmod aliqua in nulla est aute
    up to 2K


    Review Criteria

    excepteur eiusmod irure dolore Lorem excepteur dolor esse irure tempor anim mollit culpa labore Lorem voluptate

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