Equal Opportunities Section (EOS) Student Travel Award

From American Fisheries Society

Improve the conservation and sustainability of fishery resources and aquatic ecosystems by advancing fisheries and aquatic science and promoting the development of fisheries professionals.

Type of Support


The AFS EOS travel awards aim to assist at least one graduate and one undergraduate student with expenses for attending the Annual Meeting and covering membership dues. These awards are competitive and are designed to encourage the participation of students from underrepresented groups in the fisheries field who have not previously attended AFS meetings. For in-person attendance, awards will not exceed $500, while for virtual attendance, awards are approximately $240 with an additional $125 for a Continuing Education course. The program provides not only financial support but also networking opportunities, technical sessions, and resources for career and educational advancement.


Organization's Location
veniam minim
Program Location
Organization Type
Minim nisi aliquip dolor
  • mollit culpa consequat fugiat
  • tempor sit ut dolor magna
  • anim dolor dolore adipisicing culpa nulla irure aliquip


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