Graduate Student Scholarship: International Student Scholarship

    From American Speech Language Hearing Foundation

    The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASHFoundation) supports innovators and encourages research that makes a difference in people's lives through speech, language, and hearing science. Inspired by pioneers like Dennis Klatt, the ASHFoundation aims to fuel advances in the field by backing new and ambitious projects that hold potential for significant impact.

    Type of Support


    The Graduate Student Scholarship program is designed to support communication sciences and disorders (CSD) graduate students showing notable academic achievement and potential. It offers several scholarship opportunities under its umbrella:

    • The International Student Scholarship provides up to three scholarships specifically for non-U.S. citizens studying in the United States, funded by the Kala Singh Memorial Fund.
    • Minority Student Scholarship aims to support students from underrepresented groups in CSD graduate programs.
    • NSSLHA Scholarship is aimed at members of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association showing outstanding promise.
    • Student With a Disability Scholarship focuses on students with disabilities pursuing CSD graduate studies.
    • Endowed Scholarships offer up to nine additional awards for special purposes, each valued at $5,000, for applicants who express interest during their application to the Graduate Student Scholarship program. These scholarships underscore the foundation’s commitment to diversifying the field of communication sciences and disorders and supporting the educational development of its students.


    Organization's Location
    veniam amet
    Program Location
    Organization Type
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