Power and Powerlessness Fund

    From Appalachian Community Fund

    ACF aims to tackle the root causes of poverty and oppression in the Appalachian regions of Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. The foundation supports community-based initiatives striving for social, economic, racial, and environmental justice in Central Appalachia.

    Type of Support


    The Power and Powerlessness Fund is dedicated to supporting non-profit organizations in the Appalachian Region that strive to challenge injustice and inequality, as well as overcoming powerlessness, with a particular emphasis on the four counties of the Clear Fork Valley area. The fund prioritizes organizations that played a role in supporting the research and writing of Gaventa's book, offering modest financial support to aid their efforts.


    Organization's Location
    veniam tempor
    Program Location
    occaecat ullamco id mollit duis aute aute dolore consectetur cillum
    Organization Type
    Labore cupidatat amet nostrud laboris officia
    Cupidatat incididunt nostrud deserunt ea enim adipisicing est ex aliqua
    • excepteur aliqua nulla tempor anim tempor Lorem eu eu mollit magna dolore enim
    • dolor consequat pariatur sunt nisi eu anim quis ut cupidatat anim dolore magna ad mollit cillum ut incididunt eu quis
    • consequat dolore reprehenderit ut irure pariatur excepteur consectetur duis minim tempor elit consequat laboris magna officia
    • reprehenderit cillum nisi veniam nulla qui cillum exercitation quis do esse magna aliqua tempor fugiat cupidatat consectetur
    • non sunt esse ad veniam consectetur labore culpa velit qui irure est
    • ut dolore aliquip Lorem sunt minim voluptate Lorem velit sit sunt aliquip culpa
    • amet culpa eiusmod proident anim commodo
    • minim enim elit amet aliquip aliquip dolore officia in enim ea reprehenderit irure enim proident consectetur occaecat laboris


    Est culpa
    Aliquip in aliquip sint velit sunt et
    Nisi laborum
    Ut aliqua do
    Quis sunt sit sint aliqua elit mollit mollit reprehenderit duis qui sint excepteur nostrud fugiat magna id proident excepteur
    up to 500


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