AZ Humanities: Mini Grant

From Arizona Humanities

Arizona Humanities supports community-based projects that leverage the humanities to connect Arizonans with their cultures, peoples, and histories. It seeks to foster community engagement through innovative approaches to the humanities, aiming to provide context, depth, and perspective on significant issues, thereby stimulating thoughtful community exchange, building new audiences for the humanities, and advocating for the importance of humanities in democracy.

Type of Support


The grant program sponsored by Arizona Humanities is designed to support innovative, public humanities projects. It encourages applications from a wide array of nonprofit, educational, and governmental organizations. The grants aim to utilize the humanities as a tool for providing context and insight into significant topics relevant to Arizonans. Projects may adopt various formats such as interactive lectures, discussions, exhibits, publications, broadcasts, documentary films, and performances. The focus is on stimulating community engagement, innovating new methods in the humanities, and building new audiences. Arizona Humanities offers two levels of grant support: Mini Grants and Project Grants. Mini Grants support smaller-scale projects with funding up to $2,000 and are available year-round, supporting capacity-building, program planning, and program implementation, prioritizing organizations with budgets not exceeding $500,000 or larger organizations partnering with smaller ones leading the project. The funding for these grants originates from a federal grant provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, with awards made on a competitive basis.


Organization's Location
exercitation culpa
Program Location
Organization Type
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Ea incididunt
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up to 2k


Review Criteria

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