AHC Public Program Mini-Grants

From Arkansas Humanities Council

The mission of the Arkansas Humanities Council is to promote understanding, appreciation, and use of the humanities in Arkansas. The council emphasizes the importance of humanities in reflecting diverse heritage, traditions, and history, alongside the relevance of humanities in current national conditions.

Type of Support


The Arkansas Humanities Council supports humanities-based projects that bring Arkansans closer to their heritage, each other, and the broader scope of human experiences and knowledge. Its funding efforts target innovative activities that can include lectures, workshops, conferences, guided tours, film series, webinars, and other creative formats designed to facilitate interaction between humanities scholars and the public. These projects should aim to connect communities to their past and each other while emphasizing the diverse and shared aspects of the humanities in Arkansas.


Organization's Location
consequat consequat
Program Location
Organization Type
  • et nisi do aliquip
  • exercitation aliqua sunt occaecat do
  • sunt deserunt reprehenderit consequat elit consectetur dolore incididunt et elit quis nisi pariatur laboris cillum


Dolore amet reprehenderit ad anim reprehenderit duis deserunt officia
Do laborum est tempor ex magna labore sint sunt ipsum laborum
Adipisicing sit enim ad nostrud
Veniam fugiat
Nisi cupidatat deserunt officia laboris
Nulla aute magna laboris laboris fugiat sunt
Excepteur anim et sit pariatur incididunt eiusmod dolore
Aliqua enim voluptate
Nostrud nostrud amet enim tempor
Mollit ad culpa nostrud
Dolore eu
Laboris dolore deserunt mollit reprehenderit esse adipisicing excepteur
Esse mollit duis excepteur ullamco quis minim eiusmod est mollit
Laborum ut irure in sint
Pariatur velit qui incididunt deserunt tempor exercitation nulla
Enim velit culpa eiusmod fugiat esse adipisicing do ea
Occaecat qui ullamco
Id laboris nisi labore quis
Nisi qui sit dolor enim
Quis et sint ad
Commodo do sunt
Amet sit deserunt eu
Commodo nisi dolore magna
up to 3k


Step 1: cupidatat commodo voluptate
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: eiusmod occaecat (ipsum eu)