Ash Grove Charitable Foundation Grant

The Ash Grove Charitable Foundation aims to support communities in a manner that doesn’t compromise future needs. They emphasize respecting nature, challenging minds, creating opportunities, and fostering community gatherings. Their mission encompasses building thriving communities for today and future generations, emphasizing their role in being a good neighbor across the geographical markets they serve.

Type of Support


The grant program administered by the Ash Grove Charitable Foundation aims to support charitable, educational, and scientific organizations that hold public charity status. With a focus on the geographical areas where Ash Grove operates, the foundation seeks to enhance the quality of life through active participation and financial support. The foundation prioritizes grants for capital building and renovation projects in areas such as nature conservation, education with a focus on STEM, economic enhancement through trade skills, civic community gathering spaces, and human services like shelter. Grant amounts generally are up to $25,000 for construction and renovation projects, with a smaller cap of $5,000 for program grants, reflecting the foundation's commitment to building better communities and supporting infrastructure improvements across the United States.


Organization's Location
non est
Program Location
velit aliquip dolor exercitation cillum magna ad labore cupidatat dolore
Organization Type
Pariatur laborum deserunt anim et reprehenderit
  • ea cupidatat fugiat enim magna nulla exercitation quis esse deserunt officia ut eu elit pariatur occaecat commodo anim ad est nostrud nulla officia aute consequat pariatur dolor quis ullamco


Consectetur ullamco fugiat ut sint aute tempor duis ex
Ex anim est
Proident irure
Anim minim
Ut consequat
In anim
Velit dolore occaecat cillum
5k – 25k


Review Criteria

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