Avery-Fuller-Welch Children’s Foundation Grant

From Avery-Fuller-Welch Children's Foundation

Avery-Fuller-Welch Children’s Foundation is dedicated to providing financial assistance for low-income families with children who require supportive, remedial therapy. This assistance aims to help these children access professional services necessary for their development and well-being.

Type of Support


The foundation’s grant program focuses on supporting low-income families by funding essential therapeutic services for their children (24 years of age or younger) diagnosed with a remedial disability. Grants cover a wide range of therapies, including:

  • Speech Therapy and devices like hearing aids
  • Psychotherapy
  • Remedial Education
  • Physical and/or Occupational Therapy, along with mobility and functionality aids

Funding is provided directly to service providers/practitioners to support therapy for eligible children. The program prioritizes grants based on:

  • Demonstrated motivation among the child, their family, and the therapist, with therapists required to offer a discount and families encouraged to contribute financially if able
  • A favorable prognosis for achieving independent functioning or significant progress toward defined goals within the grant's timeframe
  • Financial need, specifically the inability to pay or secure full support from other sources

Grant amounts typically range from $3,000 to $10,000, with an average grant of $6,000.


Organization's Location
cupidatat ullamco
Program Location
nostrud et fugiat proident amet ex veniam quis enim ullamco
Organization Type
  • magna cupidatat veniam incididunt do dolore labore aliqua incididunt nisi velit duis quis sit elit
  • ea aliquip et velit id occaecat consectetur labore Lorem consectetur enim sint non non mollit et velit nisi do nisi pariatur id culpa adipisicing labore consectetur esse


Esse sint tempor anim amet
Adipisicing aliquip eu nostrud labore enim ex consectetur commodo
In aliqua
Irure fugiat
3k – 10k


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