BCF Grantmaking: Early Learning

From Baltimore Community Foundation

BCF's mission focuses on enhancing the quality of life within the community by supporting programs that directly improve the educational, social, and economic outcomes of its residents. They place a significant emphasis on early childhood education, seeking to empower Baltimore City and County’s youngest learners and their families with a strong foundation for future success.

Type of Support


The Early Learning grant program by BCF is aimed at supporting the early childhood education landscape in Baltimore City and County. The grant specifically funds programming that aids in the wellbeing, social-emotional learning, and academic proficiency in literacy and numeracy for children ages 0 to 5 and their families. This initiative operates with the aid of Judy Centers, which are designed to provide comprehensive academic and non-academic supports at both the school and district levels. BCF encourages partnerships with nonprofit organizations that offer relevant programs or services. The grant supports a wide array of activities, including professional development for educators, enhanced service delivery for young children and their families, the implementation of best practices for improved school readiness, efforts to boost parental or guardian involvement in children's learning, and research projects that aim at innovating early childhood education in underserved communities.


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