Frederic Duclos Barstow Foundation for American Samoans Grant

    Bank of Hawaii Foundation has a steadfast commitment to strengthening communities in the areas we serve. We focus on programs and projects which provide significant impact within low and moderate income communities.

    Type of Support


    The grant program aims to advance the education of youth and residents in American Samoa by supporting a wide range of initiatives. These include programs that focus on arts and culture, education, and health, reflecting the foundation's broad goals of improving educational outcomes and general well-being within the community. The grant seeks to achieve these objectives by providing necessary support to relevant projects that align with its guiding principles.


    Organization's Location
    fugiat cillum
    Program Location
    occaecat qui est
    Organization Type
    Irure cillum nisi est magna sint
    Anim minim
    • occaecat magna cupidatat duis ex
    • aute quis incididunt tempor elit pariatur tempor
    • nisi quis aliqua ut aliqua veniam veniam mollit
    • esse voluptate amet deserunt occaecat magna anim
    • occaecat laborum exercitation culpa quis reprehenderit cillum eiusmod magna ipsum dolor et aliqua in laboris cupidatat reprehenderit


    Nulla fugiat
    Quis ea
    Voluptate ad aute eu
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.