Get Up Rise Up Direct Action Fund

From Beautiful Trouble

Beautiful Trouble aims to empower social movements globally by providing strategic tools and training, fostering creativity, effectiveness, and irresistibility in activism. Committed to people power, shared leadership, and anti-oppression, it supports global, intersectional solidarity and innovation in social and ecological justice efforts.

Type of Support


The Get Up, Rise Up Direct Action Fund focuses on supporting global activists with creative and urgent campaign needs through financial aid. Its goal is to enable local grassroots groups to execute strategic nonviolent direct actions, advancing social and ecological justice. The fund prioritizes innovative, underfunded campaigns, aiming to strengthen the methods, theories, and tactics of nonviolent activism and contribute to the collective wisdom of social movements.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Preferred locations: Africa, All eligible locations: Global
Organization Type
Established groups (formal or informal)
Individuals in some cases
  • Must be working on a specific issue or cause seeking funding for a direct action or direct action tool as part of an ongoing campaign
  • Focus on under-served, under-resourced populations and communities
  • No formal registration required
  • Must have a campaign strategy linked to a broader campaign strategy
  • Funding requests can be for direct actions or direct action tools (physical, digital, or skill-based)
  • The action/tool must contribute to the Beautiful Trouble toolkit
  • Committed to strategic nonviolent action, respect and dignity for all life, and promotion of justice, equality, and freedom to all


Groups engaging in random or ad-hoc actions unrelated to a larger strategy
250 – 1k


Review Criteria

Funding Focus: We are drawn to innovative and creative initiatives. Our focus is on supporting regions and communities that are notably lacking in resources. Recognizing that various campaigns and endeavors may be contentious, financially neglected, perilous, or inadequately supplied, depending on their locale or regional backdrop, we are dedicated to endorsing efforts aimed at fostering a fairer world. We especially invite applications from systematically under-resourced sectors or groups. As for geographic consideration, we particularly encourage submissions from those situated within the African continent.