Beazley Foundation Grants

From Beazley Foundation Inc.

The Foundation's mission is to manage and administer assets for perpetuity, aiming exclusively at supporting educational, charitable, and religious purposes. It focuses on applying these assets, both principal and income, directly or through contributions to other organizations in alignment with its core areas of interest.

Type of Support


The grant program prioritizes proposals that support educational, charitable, and religious purposes. It requires potential grantees to discuss their proposals with the foundation's president or a designated representative before submission. The Board of Trustees reviews grant requests during their meetings in February, April, August, and November. This approach ensures that all funding aligns with the Foundation's objective to use its resources for the betterment of society in these specific areas.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
aliqua consequat consequat veniam minim Lorem dolor cillum consectetur culpa
Organization Type
  • cillum tempor do sint aliqua enim culpa exercitation adipisicing


not specified


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