Ben B. Cheney Foundation Grant

The Ben B. Cheney Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life in communities where Cheney’s lumber company operated by supporting a broad range of efforts.

Type of Support


The Foundation prioritizes projects over ongoing operational support but is currently open to both due to unique nonprofit sector needs. Projects should have a clear timeline, specific goals, and a detailed budget. Priority is often given to one-time needs for capital or equipment, helping to support projects that expand or initiate new programs. Grants are evaluated on potential sustainability and impact, supporting a diverse range of areas including charity, civic engagement, culture, education (with a focus on selected colleges and universities serving Pierce County), services for the elderly, health, special needs and social services, as well as youth development programs.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CA (Del Norte County, Lassen County, Plumas County, Shasta County, Siskiyou County, Trinity County), OR (Jackson County, Josephine County), WA (Clallam County, Clark County, Cowlitz County, Grays Harbor County, Jefferson County, Lewis County, Mason County, Pacific County, Pierce County, Thurston County, Wahkiakum County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and public charity status under 509(a)(1) or (2)
Units of government
New programs or associations with a fiscal sponsor
  • Located in Washington, specifically:
  • Primary giving area: Pierce County
  • Also considers southwest Washington; the Olympic Peninsula (Thurston, Mason, Jefferson, and Clallam counties); Kitsap County
  • Located in Oregon, specifically:
  • Primary giving area: Medford/Jackson County
  • Grants also made in Grants Pass/Josephine County
  • Located in California, focusing on counties where Mr. Cheney's lumber company operated


Support general operating budgets or annual campaigns
Sponsorships for fundraising events
Projects which are supplanting tax-funded expenditures
Religious organizations for sectarian purposes
Basic research
Endowment funds
Produce books, films, or videos
Conferences, seminars, or attendance at same
Individual students or student groups raising money for school-related trips.
up to 40k


Review Criteria

Our funding priorities are directed towards initiatives that:

  • Contribute to the procurement of equipment or improvement of facilities, ensuring a durable benefit for community needs.
  • Exhibit strong backing from local communities, evidenced by a foundation of funding from within the community.
  • Introduce novel and creative solutions to address community challenges.
  • Enhance current programs to reach a larger population and/or extend into new regions.