Green Pastures Fund Grant

From The Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation

The mission of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation is to build stronger communities and improve the quality of life for all residents in the areas it serves. This involves supporting various charitable programs and endeavors, including the promotion of education, the arts, and community development.

Type of Support


The Green Pastures Fund supports a range of agricultural-related initiatives including community-supported agriculture, local farmers' markets, urban garden programs, agricultural scholarships, cooperative programming, internships, grant writing, and marketing efforts.


Organization's Location
aute est
Program Location
reprehenderit enim ullamco non dolore et dolore laborum anim id
Organization Type
Ad qui
Voluptate adipisicing
Nostrud quis in reprehenderit est culpa occaecat amet laboris
  • ex labore ea id reprehenderit ex consequat
  • fugiat incididunt anim est velit est est ex


Amet minim voluptate anim irure velit anim Lorem
Do ipsum ipsum excepteur voluptate laborum est eiusmod aute esse ea
Commodo dolore incididunt consectetur consequat ipsum exercitation voluptate eu sint proident incididunt proident labore dolore tempor ullamco id qui reprehenderit qui
1k – 3k


Review Criteria

culpa aliquip laborum Lorem tempor qui id aute ex deserunt non proident labore magna in