Green Pastures Fund Grant

From The Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation

The mission of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation is to build stronger communities and improve the quality of life for all residents in the areas it serves. This involves supporting various charitable programs and endeavors, including the promotion of education, the arts, and community development.

Type of Support


The Green Pastures Fund supports a range of agricultural-related initiatives including community-supported agriculture, local farmers' markets, urban garden programs, agricultural scholarships, cooperative programming, internships, grant writing, and marketing efforts.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CT (Litchfield County), MA (Berkshire County), NY (Columbia County, Dutchess County)
Organization Type
Nonprofit organizations
Public entities
Community groups using another nonprofit as a fiscal agent
  • Located within the Berkshire Taconic region
  • Encourage or preserve small, community-based agricultural ventures


Organizations funded for more than 3 consecutive years
Organizations that have received a grant within the past twelve months
Organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or religious belief.
1k – 3k


Review Criteria

Priority will be accorded to initiatives demonstrating the presence of supplementary funding or non-monetary contributions.