Planning and Technical Assistance Grant Program

From The Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation

The mission of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation is to build stronger communities and improve the quality of life for all residents in the areas it serves. This involves supporting various charitable programs and endeavors, including the promotion of education, the arts, and community development.

Type of Support


The foundation has introduced a Planning and Technical Assistance grant program to assist organizations in the Berkshire Taconic region with capacity building projects. These projects must aim to enhance organizational strength, resiliency, or effectiveness, thereby advancing their missions more effectively. This program, with a rolling deadline and approximately $60,000 in funding available, encourages organizations to apply for grants to invest in initiatives like strategic planning, board development, organizational assessments, and technology upgrades. Eligible projects may include hiring consultants for strategic guidance or training staff in new technologies, among others. Grants can reach up to $10,000 for a single year, with applications evaluated based on criteria such as the impact on residents of the Berkshire Taconic region, potential project impact on organizational effectiveness, demonstrated need for funding, and readiness to implement the proposed project.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CT (Litchfield County), MA (Berkshire County), NY (Columbia County, Dutchess County)
Organization Type
Organizations incorporated as 501(c)(3)
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor
  • Must have operated with active programming for at least three years
  • Based in and serve residents of the Berkshire Taconic region (Berkshire, Columbia, northeast Dutchess, and northwest Litchfield counties)
  • Fiscal sponsors may be located outside of the Berkshire Taconic region
  • Must not discriminate based on age, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or religious belief
  • Funding need must not be eligible for consideration by a Berkshire Taconic area fund, or must fall outside an area fund’s grantmaking cycle
up to 10k


Review Criteria

Organizations boasting annual operating budgets of less than $1 million will receive prioritized consideration. Furthermore, emphasis will be placed on organizations whose missions and programs align closely with the foundation’s strategic goals, which include enhancing education levels, fostering community participation, and expanding economic possibilities. In their decision-making processes, foundation staff will also aim to maintain funding distribution that is equitable across the foundation’s designated areas of focus.