Bethany Legacy Foundation aims to use its resources strategically to improve mental health in Jefferson County across all age groups and the workforce. They focus on addressing the interconnection between mental health and substance abuse disorders, emphasizing the need to support, expand, or introduce programs for recovery due to a lack of services within the county.
The grant program from Bethany Legacy Foundation is designed to enhance mental health and address substance abuse disorders within Jefferson County by funding organizations that work on these issues. The foundation is looking for proposals that are backed by evidence-based practice or supporting data, have the potential for systemic impact, focus on prevention, introduce innovative approaches, and enhance the service delivery of mental health services. These principles guide the grant-making process, aiming to effect change in policies, practices, and resources that perpetuate mental health issues and substance misuse. Proposals should aim at broad systemic changes, prevention measures, innovations, and service enhancements in the realm of mental health and substance abuse to garner consideration for funding.
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