For a Better Tomorrow - Local (McLean County) Grant

    From For Better Tomorrow Inc.

    FBT provides grants to U.S.-based qualified charitable organizations and Non-Government Organizations, including those operating programs domestically or internationally.

    Type of Support


    The Local Grant Fund directly supports projects aimed at creating sustainable solutions to some of McLean County's most pressing issues. In particular, the fund supports projects that empower women and historically marginalized people, provide viable healthcare solutions, create economic and environmental development, and address issues related to youth development.


    Organization's Location
    ea eu
    Program Location
    dolore veniam cillum
    Organization Type
    Et ad laboris deserunt quis duis do
    Cupidatat sunt


    Nulla tempor officia duis
    Veniam id id est Lorem dolor veniam
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    Commodo Lorem
    Sint mollit
    Velit irure ut dolore excepteur esse
    Proident do eu consequat dolore non proident
    500 – 5K


    Visit Apply for more information.