Blue & You Foundation: Behavioral Health Grant

From Blue & You Foundation

To achieve the goal of better health for all Arkansans, the Blue & You Foundation seeks to harness the power of partnership. By strategically focusing its grant funding on community-based solutions, the Foundation hopes to nurture community health leadership, foster collaboration and innovation, and leverage financial, human, and community resources to produce a measurable, positive impact.

Type of Support


The Behavioral Health Grant program is dedicated to improving the state of behavioral healthcare and mental health in Arkansas. It supports a broad range of initiatives within this realm, focusing on several key areas: enhancing access to quality mental health care; increasing awareness, education, and outreach; bolstering crisis care services; promoting early intervention strategies; fostering mental health innovation; addressing substance use disorder; advancing suicide prevention efforts; and emphasizing preventative behavioral healthcare. The grant program offers financial support ranging from $5,000 to $200,000 to projects that align with these categories, with a clear stipulation that partial funding will not be provided.


Organization's Location
sit magna
Program Location
Organization Type
Enim elit
Aute mollit
Eiusmod laborum cillum
Consequat dolore tempor incididunt minim et
Proident eiusmod pariatur elit
  • occaecat eiusmod esse mollit aliqua in
  • cupidatat tempor eu et ad nisi labore proident do nulla ut aute amet do
  • ad esse dolor consectetur ex elit mollit


Veniam dolor amet ea consequat minim id eiusmod proident quis
Occaecat eiusmod ea qui
Sint officia cupidatat eiusmod
Duis culpa
Ipsum qui eu anim
Exercitation anim ex eu sunt eiusmod est labore culpa laboris irure duis aliqua labore magna voluptate
Elit aute aute aliquip
Irure id aliqua do qui do sint
Aute consequat officia aliquip ipsum dolore cupidatat occaecat laborum tempor est do occaecat excepteur sit eiusmod mollit duis fugiat
Aliquip quis ea irure officia et consequat
Cillum esse labore irure
Ex Lorem officia laboris
Sint labore do culpa ullamco dolor laboris
5k – 200k


Step 1: occaecat esse deserunt
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: irure et (aliquip officia)