Blue & You Foundation: Mini Grant

    From Blue & You Foundation

    To achieve the goal of better health for all Arkansans, the Blue & You Foundation seeks to harness the power of partnership. By strategically focusing its grant funding on community-based solutions, the Foundation hopes to nurture community health leadership, foster collaboration and innovation, and leverage financial, human, and community resources to produce a measurable, positive impact.

    Type of Support


    The Blue & You Foundation's Mini-Grants Program offers $1,000 – $2,000 grants specifically designed to support food pantries, health initiatives in public schools, colleges, and universities, and emergency response equipment such as AEDs, Narcan, stop the bleed kits, and child passenger safety. The program encourages applications from food pantries for direct support, from educational institutions for health-related initiatives that benefit students, and for essential emergency response equipment to enhance community safety. Each applicant is restricted to applying for one category of these targeted needs, aiming to create a healthier environment for all Arkansans through focused, practical aid in critical areas.


    Organization's Location
    tempor aliquip
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Minim ex incididunt cupidatat
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    Nostrud et ut proident ipsum
    Aute duis do fugiat do nisi
    Est exercitation
    • ipsum in eu consequat cillum aliqua elit nostrud irure id minim excepteur veniam laboris
    • tempor ex excepteur voluptate commodo sit do nulla dolore enim


    Aute aliqua ut non reprehenderit dolore nisi
    Voluptate in est dolor dolor pariatur esse
    Id magna do excepteur commodo aute ut quis ad occaecat aute laboris officia elit velit aliqua eiusmod
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    Ea cillum qui reprehenderit
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    Reprehenderit do laboris occaecat
    Id tempor
    Proident ipsum anim laboris
    Sunt mollit adipisicing tempor velit enim aliquip sit anim commodo culpa dolor tempor voluptate velit aliqua
    1K – 2K


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