BCBSMS Foundation Grant

From Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation

The Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation aims to improve the health and well-being of Mississippians. It seeks to lead and provide targeted grant funding for sustainable initiatives aimed at making Mississippi a healthy place to live, work, and play. Since 2004, the Foundation focuses on empowering lasting change in health through community and school partnerships, targeting areas like health literacy, establishing farmers’ markets, community and school gardens, tobacco-free environments, and creating spaces for physical activity and education.

Type of Support


The grant program under the Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation is designed to support initiatives that enhance the overall health and well-being of Mississippians. It focuses on increasing health literacy, promoting healthy eating and exercise, and fostering community and school-based programs that elevate health, quality of life, and access to high-quality healthcare services. The foundation supports projects such as outdoor play spaces, healthy cooking classes, and health education initiatives. The grant aims to make healthy living accessible to every resident of Mississippi, emphasizing the value of wellness and supporting innovative developments that contribute to a healthier Mississippi.


Organization's Location
commodo nisi
Program Location
Organization Type
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