The Bohemian Foundation is dedicated to the care and enrichment of the community it serves. It focuses on ensuring that all youth thrive, promoting economic stability and mobility, and cultivating a vibrant, engaged, and connected community. Through various programs, including grantmaking, it aims to support these goals and contribute to the overall well-being of society.
The Music Event Fund is a competitive grantmaking program aimed at encouraging nonprofit organizations to present live music events to strengthen communities. This grant supports events that prominently feature popular contemporary music and local artists, ensuring fair compensation for the artists and production staff involved. Grant amounts can go up to $2,500 and are allocated for local artist fees and production costs. This initiative is focused on events in Larimer and Weld counties and prioritizes those that engage broad and diverse communities, including youth, and maintain high-quality sound standards. Events must apply for funding at least 60 days before the scheduled event date, and the funding is limited to events that do not feature national touring acts or bands without local members from the specified counties.
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