Bonfils-Stanton Foundation- Quarterly Community Grants

    Bonfils-Stanton Foundation, Denver’s premier private arts funder, has committed over $90 million in grants since 1981 to support arts institutions and organizations. With a vision to foster a just and vibrant city, the foundation integrates arts and leadership to influence Denver's cultural and civic landscape. It focuses on impactful investments, innovative grant-making, and forming community partnerships to build a lively city that is inclusive and works for everyone.

    Type of Support


    The Bonfils-Stanton Foundation's grantmaking approach emphasizes supporting inclusive, diverse, and equitable arts and culture organizations, alongside nonprofit leaders, to contribute to a thriving and just Denver. The foundation is dedicated to achieving three main goals: strengthening cultural organizations and increasing arts engagement, nurturing creative and transformative nonprofit leaders and artists, and elevating the arts, cultural heritage, and identity. It offers quarterly community grants in the form of unrestricted operating grants to enhance an organization's ongoing stability and mission fulfillment, with project support available for fostering relations. These grants, which can reach up to $60,000, aim to provide foundational support, acknowledging that building a lasting relationship may be a gradual process. Initial applications require an eligibility questionnaire and consultation with foundation staff.


    Organization's Location
    officia occaecat
    Program Location
    incididunt minim et id tempor qui fugiat enim ut do
    Organization Type
    Deserunt aute aliqua consequat Lorem non
    Enim sunt esse incididunt qui
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is at least -1
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    • aliquip cupidatat et tempor laborum culpa veniam aute magna ut aute amet
    • quis eiusmod nisi eiusmod reprehenderit laboris labore minim
    • culpa enim enim tempor ea Lorem aliqua incididunt deserunt sit
    • ex sit mollit proident tempor exercitation sit ipsum occaecat magna reprehenderit officia enim consequat


    Ullamco laborum tempor fugiat reprehenderit ullamco
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    Aute Lorem ea anim officia irure anim enim
    Cillum id
    Aute id est fugiat veniam
    In voluptate esse excepteur ipsum ad velit proident irure nisi voluptate id ad do
    up to 60K


    Visit Apply for more information.