Exceptional Project Grants

    From Breast Cancer Alliance Inc

    The mission of Breast Cancer Alliance is to improve survival rates and quality of life for those impacted by breast cancer through better prevention, early detection, treatment, and cure. The Alliance invests in innovative research, breast surgery fellowships, education, dignified regional support, and screening for the underserved.

    Type of Support


    Breast Cancer Alliance provides annual grants focusing on four key areas: Exceptional Project Research, Young Investigator Research, Breast Surgery Fellowships, and Education and Outreach. These grants support innovative research and projects that aim to advance the understanding, prevention, and treatment of breast cancer. The Exceptional Project Grant, specifically, is awarded to clinical doctors and research scientists conducting creative, unique, and innovative research in breast cancer. This grant offers $100,000 for salary support and project costs over a one-year term, with indirect costs limited to 8% of total direct costs.


    Organization's Location
    consequat commodo
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Ad officia
    Nostrud dolore
    • nulla Lorem culpa sint ut minim incididunt
    • nulla proident fugiat do exercitation Lorem
    • ea nulla ex incididunt labore excepteur anim officia laboris adipisicing eu exercitation nisi anim
    • proident ipsum duis dolore labore amet velit eu velit cillum amet aliqua aliqua nulla exercitation
    • excepteur veniam minim Lorem id magna ad labore
    • exercitation labore irure tempor dolore enim proident veniam ex non
    • irure incididunt proident eiusmod laborum


    Step 1: quis sint voluptate
    Application deadline
    Mar 7, 2025
    Step 2: id commodo (anim voluptate)