The Brookline Community Foundation is dedicated to creating opportunity and fostering equity through the power of giving. As the sole foundation focused on the comprehensive needs of Brookline, their mission is to embody and promote a practice of inclusive and equitable support for the community, ensuring a better quality of life for all within it.
The Brookline Community Foundation's Grant Programs aim to realize a vision of an equitable Brookline, where identity factors do not influence individual needs for thriving or survival. They are committed to addressing the heightened challenges faced by BIPOC and other vulnerable groups in Brookline, emphasizing transformative investments towards an inclusive society. The Safety Net Grant Program particularly supports organizations offering crucial services and emergency assistance to those severely affected by the pandemic or other crises, with a broad focus on essential services like direct cash, rental aid, food access, utility payments, and childcare support. This initiative is key to promoting health, wellness, safety, and a sense of belonging within the Brookline community.
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