Bush Prize: South Dakota

The funder's mission focuses on addressing important community needs in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and the 23 Native nations within that geography. The mission is achieved by partnering with public and philanthropic organizations to increase innovation, leverage significant partnerships, and quickly respond to emergency situations, thereby attracting additional resources to the region.

Type of Support


The Bush Prize is designed to honor and financially support organizations distinguished by their exceptional community trust and proven success in community problem-solving. The grants awarded by the Bush Prize are flexible, aimed at empowering recipient organizations to bolster their reserves, explore new innovative ideas, or whatever else might help sustain and enhance their beneficial work in their communities. Specifically, the grant amounts can reach up to 25% of an organization’s expenses for the most recent fiscal year, capping at $500,000. The Bush Prize, including its South Dakota chapter, operates under a shared framework but allows for operational flexibility across different regions in terms of application and selection processes. The initiative brings together multiple partners for the selection and support phases, tailoring its approach to meet regional needs while pursuing a common cause of community improvement and organizational empowerment.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 500k


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