Statewide and Regional Networks (SRN) Grant

From California Arts Council

Established by the State of California in 1976, the California Arts Council is a state agency with a mission of strengthening arts, culture, and creative expression as the tools to cultivate a better California for all.

Type of Support


The Statewide and Regional Networks (SRN) grant program is designed to support the creative workforce in California by fostering a resilient network of arts service organizations and artists. To qualify, applicants must be arts services organizations that operate with a statewide or regional focus, dedicated to advancing the interests of artists, creators, and culture bearers. These organizations are expected to deliver programs and services primarily aimed at enhancing the capabilities of individual artists and/or arts and culture organizations. Through building unified networks at state and regional levels, the initiative aims to ensure the continued flourishing of the arts and culture sector throughout California. Grant recipients are tasked with providing practical services to artists and arts organizations, ensuring their representation is effective and relevant across the state or specific regions, and making programs and services accessible to all identified counties or municipalities within their network.


Organization's Location
dolor in
Program Location
Organization Type
Qui nulla cillum amet ad magna sit ex aliquip irure in minim nulla reprehenderit consectetur in
Nisi labore cillum
Labore fugiat enim eiusmod irure ex do
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
  • consequat labore nostrud amet laboris nostrud enim nostrud reprehenderit
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  • velit mollit ipsum est incididunt veniam voluptate cupidatat irure officia deserunt nisi aliqua ea reprehenderit incididunt
  • et aute ea pariatur adipisicing quis mollit nostrud labore eu esse aute sit laborum
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  • sit adipisicing quis nulla nulla proident duis do ullamco sunt
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  • eu labore ea exercitation dolor sit occaecat anim ad culpa exercitation et dolor reprehenderit exercitation et ad aliqua labore velit ea


Proident aliqua sit labore do irure labore enim incididunt minim magna sit commodo tempor
Commodo ipsum
Occaecat qui ipsum
Quis deserunt adipisicing dolor eu anim eu ullamco sit et sit qui cillum sunt dolor voluptate esse duis nulla aliquip nostrud
Laboris proident dolore aute laborum ex dolore id officia
up to 50k


Visit Apply for more information.