Leading for Power & Change Fund

Our vision is for every resident of California to enjoy good health and experience wellness. Our mission is to protect and improve the health and wellness of the people of California by increasing access to health care, quality education, good jobs, healthy environments, and safe neighborhoods. We aim to use our resources through grantmaking, investments, and partnerships to advance our mission, focusing on the needs of low-income individuals, people of color, youth, and residents of rural areas.

Type of Support


The grant program, Advancing Wellness, supports organizations working towards increasing access to healthcare, advocating for quality education, fighting for good jobs with fair wages, and making neighborhoods safe. In the Leading for Power & Change Fund, the emphasis is on amplifying the voices, leadership, and power of people of color and those historically excluded from full civic participation. This includes supporting leadership development and capacity building for people of color-led organizations, boosting civic engagement, and advocating for health and racial equity. The goal is to remove systemic barriers to wellness and create more equitable systems that improve community health and wellness.


Organization's Location
qui reprehenderit
Program Location
Organization Type
Et ullamco dolore
Nulla nostrud
Occaecat sunt
Excepteur enim laboris dolore velit ex ullamco laboris id anim tempor incididunt
  • aliquip eiusmod officia velit elit proident nulla culpa officia labore elit ut aliquip
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  • consequat aliqua nostrud sunt amet mollit ad occaecat esse ut est esse eiusmod anim duis amet commodo minim consectetur nisi est
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Veniam fugiat amet fugiat veniam aliquip et irure sunt nisi amet ea deserunt
not specified


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