WFCI Annual Grant Round

From Central Indiana Community Foundation

The Glick Fund, founded by Gene and Marilyn Glick in 1998 and a component of Central Indiana Community Foundation, aims to carry forward a legacy of philanthropy within Indiana, especially in Central Indiana. The fund emerges from the Glick family’s long-standing generosity and commitment to instilling philanthropic values within their family and company. It works to make a significant impact in its community by supporting a wide range of causes.

Type of Support


The grant program from Women’s Fund is designed to support projects in several key areas: breaking cycles of negativity such as intimate partner violence and poverty; promoting economic stability and upward mobility through career development; enhancing women's and girls' health with a focus on reproductive, infant and maternal mortality, and mental health issues; and supporting girls' programs that demonstrate tangible impacts. Preference is given to small, grassroots organizations with a budget under $250,000, especially those led by and serving women and girls of color. While recognizing the importance of spirituality in women's and girls' lives, the Fund maintains a neutral stance on religious expression and does not support programs with a religious agenda, promoting religion or religious activities.


Organization's Location
nulla amet
Program Location
deserunt sit ullamco labore fugiat excepteur duis nulla labore exercitation
Organization Type
Elit officia ipsum quis cillum velit
Aliqua elit id laboris occaecat
Excepteur qui eiusmod adipisicing irure dolor ipsum sit
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
  • duis adipisicing ex incididunt dolore fugiat consequat adipisicing aliqua esse Lorem deserunt laboris elit in
  • ipsum culpa amet exercitation culpa ea eu nisi eiusmod Lorem consequat elit elit occaecat magna
  • id cillum reprehenderit elit tempor laboris mollit
  • deserunt laborum esse velit voluptate esse


Reprehenderit proident nulla minim exercitation exercitation
Ipsum adipisicing eiusmod do veniam et officia dolor amet mollit ea proident
Enim exercitation ipsum irure adipisicing cupidatat aliqua
In cupidatat ut dolore tempor in reprehenderit
Consequat dolore
Non irure aliqua ipsum
In sint duis occaecat non
Enim dolor cillum tempor aliqua Lorem eiusmod ex in eu minim consectetur mollit consectetur nisi qui consequat
up to 25k


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