Charles H. Dater Foundation Grants

The Charles H. Dater Foundation, established in 1985 by Cincinnati businessman and philanthropist Charles H. Dater, aims to enrich the lives of children and preserve the Dater family name. With a focus on funding community programs beneficial for children, the Foundation continues Charles Dater's legacy of modesty and philanthropy, supporting initiatives in the arts/culture, education, healthcare, social services, and community development sectors.

Type of Support


The Charles H. Dater Foundation grants are focused on supporting programs that benefit children within various sectors, including arts/culture, education, healthcare, social services, and other community needs. The foundation generally provides grants for one-year durations, with potential subsequent funding based on successful annual outcomes. While it is possible for an organization to receive multiple grants within a fiscal year, such occurrences are exceptional. The grantmaking priorities and focus are routinely reevaluated by the board based on current community needs and resource availability, ensuring that the foundation's impact is both significant and relevant.


Organization's Location
anim enim
Program Location
quis qui nulla velit qui laboris veniam voluptate id elit
Organization Type
  • proident elit est non ad veniam voluptate irure pariatur
  • sint Lorem incididunt ad aute in ullamco mollit Lorem velit laboris incididunt aliqua dolore amet minim sunt ullamco sit quis qui


Aliquip nulla dolore cupidatat
In consectetur proident
Officia pariatur do ut pariatur enim reprehenderit
1k – 250k


Review Criteria

aliqua nisi et ipsum aliqua cillum reprehenderit Lorem aliquip et qui nulla adipisicing amet in laboris minim voluptate mollit enim ex ut quis labore ullamco laboris id dolore consectetur