Pre-Development Fund

From The Chicago Community Trust

Founded in 2002, the Asian Giving Circle (AGC) works to support Asian and Pacific Islander-led nonprofits in Chicago, aiming to advance social justice within these communities. AGC focuses on pooling and directing financial resources toward organizations that confront current issues faced by the diverse API communities. As part of a larger network initiated by Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy, AGC's mission encompasses the belief that strategic giving can transform and build a better world through supporting broader struggles for liberation alongside specific community needs.

Type of Support


The Pre-Development Fund targets commercial real estate development projects, businesses requiring brick-and-mortar facilities, and neighborhood-scale land use initiatives intended to boost economic activity in disinvested areas. This encompasses retail and office spaces, transit-oriented and mixed-use developments, including housing, and the repurposing of obsolete buildings into community amenities. To be eligible, businesses must integrate community-focused elements in their design or programming.


Organization's Location
Program Location
IL (Cook County)
Organization Type
Nonprofit organizations
For-profit companies with annual revenues less than $10 million
Companies that have a positive historical track record of working in communities of color
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than 10M
  • Located in Cook County
  • Must be a community developer as defined by the fund
  • For-profit companies must secure a nonprofit fiscal sponsor


Projects in the planning stage
Projects in the construction stage
Projects that are exclusively social services
Projects that are supportive housing
Projects that are charter schools
Projects focused on workforce development facilities
Projects catering to other critical needs uses
up to 100k


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Application deadlines
Sep 26
Jan 30, 2025
Feb 1, 2025
Step 2: Full proposal (check website)
Review Criteria

The Pre-Development Fund has a strong preference for projects where the site is already owned outright. However, it will consider applications for projects that have a concrete and immediate plan for acquiring site ownership, such as a signed purchase agreement or an acquisition letter. The Fund places a high emphasis on supporting community developers of color, especially those who are Black and Latinx. Furthermore, applications that have engaged professional service providers of color, including in fields such as architecture, legal services, and zoning consultancy, will stand a better chance of success.