Aya Mini-Grants

    The purpose of the Chiron Community Giving Foundation (CCGF) is to support projects by nonprofits that create positive change for individuals in economically challenging situations in St. Louis City and County. Founded in 2019 as part of the St. Louis Community Foundation, and becoming an independent nonprofit in 2021, CCGF seeks 501(c)(3) status to further its mission. It emphasizes the importance of respecting and supporting the most vulnerable to stabilize lives and strengthen communities, with a commitment to non-discrimination, anti-racism, equity, and effective inclusion.

    Type of Support


    The Chiron Community Giving Foundation (CCGF) operates grant programs which, as of 2024, will require an invitation to apply. These programs aim at providing financial assistance to nonprofits with proven effectiveness in fostering positive change for people living under economic hardship in St. Louis City and St. Louis County. Specifically, the Aya Mini-Grants are designed to help these organizations meet unforeseen expenses that affect their existing programs or services, offering up to $5,000 in funding. CCGF prioritizes organizations that demonstrate a strong commitment to principles of equity, non-discrimination, anti-racism, and inclusion.


    Organization's Location
    laboris irure
    Program Location
    sunt cupidatat labore Lorem enim ullamco id
    Organization Type
    Ullamco non et cupidatat irure culpa
    Officia cupidatat veniam velit amet
    • id incididunt sunt veniam laboris nulla ex laborum culpa nulla mollit tempor Lorem id
    • mollit consequat enim tempor dolore tempor amet sint minim aute incididunt consectetur Lorem ea Lorem commodo commodo
    • consequat ex voluptate pariatur deserunt laboris


    Labore do veniam amet Lorem officia consequat do
    Nisi sunt ullamco aute sint mollit id ipsum dolor commodo laborum nulla anim
    Ea veniam et duis labore officia ipsum reprehenderit non veniam occaecat fugiat nulla et
    Dolor sunt
    Pariatur nostrud
    up to 5K


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