Citizens Financial Group Sponsorship

From Citizens Financial Group

Citizens supports opportunities where funding can significantly and measurably impact communities. The focus is on financial literacy, teaching money management, strengthening communities through economic development, job training, and small business development. Funding targets diverse and underserved populations and neighborhoods, partnering with established 501(c)(3) organizations that align with these priorities.

Type of Support


The Citizens Financial Group Sponsorship program focuses on sponsorships that offer valuable, unique, and memorable experiences for its customers, colleagues, and communities. It supports a wide range of organizations and places importance on creativity and innovation within these partnerships. Additionally, while the program has an eligibility quiz for applicants to assess alignment with funding goals, an invitation-only funding opportunity exists for specific geographic areas including GA, NC, TN, TX, and VA.


Organization's Location
ullamco ea
Program Location
ipsum ea aliquip culpa eu mollit reprehenderit anim do esse
Organization Type
  • incididunt sint officia do
  • et aliqua irure veniam
  • elit aute Lorem ad
  • eiusmod culpa elit sunt
  • duis incididunt voluptate eiusmod
  • esse amet proident ad
  • voluptate et voluptate aliquip
  • et mollit sit irure
  • nisi ipsum cillum nostrud
  • deserunt officia cupidatat ullamco
  • aute esse mollit ea
  • proident pariatur culpa excepteur consectetur
  • ad aute cillum voluptate
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.