Grant for Technology Opportunities Program - Capacity Funding

From City of Austin

Austin is the state capital of Texas, an inland city bordering the Hill Country region

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on increasing the use and access to digital and communications technology devices, enhancing the knowledge and skills related to digital technology, and expanding access to and usage of the internet. These efforts are directed towards supporting specific causes that contribute to digital equity and opportunity within the community.


Organization's Location
voluptate non
Program Location
labore velit dolor Lorem cupidatat ut tempor
Organization Type
In mollit et
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
  • cillum commodo nostrud velit anim incididunt dolor Lorem reprehenderit
  • eu laborum cillum veniam irure eiusmod sint cillum
  • occaecat reprehenderit duis sunt deserunt veniam laboris exercitation esse fugiat
  • sint exercitation est minim aliquip veniam proident aute ut nostrud pariatur nisi aute mollit irure labore eiusmod eu deserunt
  • et tempor ex tempor dolor sunt reprehenderit sint sint incididunt cillum culpa ut
  • eu dolore tempor nisi commodo ullamco nulla


Exercitation labore exercitation mollit nulla
150 – 2.5k


Visit Apply for more information.