City Gardens Club of New York City Grant - Nonprofits

From The City Garden Clubs of New York

The mission is to bring the beauty of the natural world into the lives of children and adults in all five boroughs of New York City. They aim to sponsor educational programs that: develop appreciation and knowledge of nature; teach gardening skills; and support the preservation and improvement of the city’s environment.

Type of Support


The mission of the Club is to preserve, enrich, and increase the natural beauty of the environment, with special regard to our city, for the public benefit through education, horticulture, conservation and other related undertakings. Consideration will be given to the creation or expansion, or maintenance of urban gardens and farms that improve the daily life experience of area residents. Projects that seek funding for seeds, plants, soil, mulch, fertilizer/compost and garden tools will be prioritized. Projects that include an educational experience will be further prioritized. Seasonal internship programs will be considered.


Organization's Location
qui sint
Program Location
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Organization Type
Nulla commodo


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1k – 5k


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